Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 5...My Flavorite Chickpea Stew

Day 5...

OMFG, Oh My Fairy Godmothers! This Chickpea Stew recipe that I threw together was divinity.

Yes, I'm still surviving, thank you very much. Oven is still mocking me. I want cupcakes and she won't get hot for me. Ha! reminds me of the Rolling Stones lyric, and I quote, I'm so hot for her. I'm so hot for her, and she's so cold, close quote.

Been visiting family and friends, thank you Jesus, I still have some of both who haven't completely abandoned me for my big mouth.

I'm not fit for public consumption!

I'm just so insensitive these days. I blame it on my loving husband. He doesn't sugar-coat a thing for me. Everything is so cut-and-dry, as the idiom goes, with him. I have had many years developing a colossal backbone that I'm afraid I step on pretty, lacquered toenails, wherever I tread.

That, and I'm post-partum from a high-risk pregnancy. I was on confinement for nearly 9 months. Self-induced of course. Read too many books. Now I can't speak to adults properly.


We live 25 miles away from civilization. I don't get out and about on the reg. And, we grow our own veggies and fruits during the summer months so there's no need to go to the market every other day. You know, and see people. People of average height and intelligence. Or just people in general. Maybe talk to them too.

I have to routinely remind Christopher, my cut-and-dry-General-Patton-in-the-rough husband, to speak comfort to me at the end of the day. I remind him that the only people I talk to are under the age of 7 years. I do like to talk on the subjects regarding Star Wars, Mario Kart, bathroom habits and high-sugar/high-fat comestibles, but my socio-intellectual needs are not fulfilled with these hot topics.

Le sigh, as the French say, or sigh, in my imaginings.

But, I did make a tasty stew the other day in my, actually Christobelle's, Dutch-Oven.

I must have the Dutch Touch, as I like to call it. Everything I toss into the blessed DO turns into a melodious symphony of food.

I actually made this tasty number on the stovetop. Yes, the stovetop works just fine but no dice when it comes to baking--and cupcakes, nominatively.

Without further ado, I give you:

Chickpea Stew:
2 cups cooked chickpeas
1 cup green peas
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 cup carrots, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tbsp. fresh ginger, minced
1 (14 oz.) can of coconut milk
1 (14 oz.) can of water
2 tsp. Bangarang! or seasoned salt
2 tsp. Garam Masala
1 tsp. turmeric

Toss all of the above ingredients into a Dutch Oven. Lid. Place on a big, medium-heat stovetop burner or on a bed of coals and cook one hour. Remove from heat and carefully remove lid with heat proof gloves.

I served mine over rice and tossed some fresh jalapenos and basil on top.

It was OMFG-Oh My Fairy Godmothers! some kinda good.

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